Tuesday, March 24, 2009

NORL 2009 (2/2)

Di seguito una sintesi della situazione italiana.

Italy reports the most agreement between how often a parent reports knowing where a child is online and the percentage of time a child reports that the parents know where they are (77% parents vs. 78% kids)

At 2%, kids in Italy are least likely to have ignored an email from a family member, compared with 11% worldwide

Italy places the least amount of responsibility on children to protect themselves online (7%) and feels that most of the responsibility lies with the parents (91%)

At 13%, Italy has one of the lowest parental reports of children connecting to the Internet at a friend's house

Half of online parents in Italy admit they have monitored their children's Internet usage by reading their email or tracking websites they visited using cookies

73% of adults in Italy say they are usually the first of their friends and family to check out a new technology, compared with three in five worldwide

Italian parents (60%) are notably less enthusiastic about the Internet as a means to facilitate learning than most other Countries

Adults in Italy report not being able to live without Internet access (55%), cell phones (54%) and cars (47%)

About one in four online Italian adults do not know how to keep their personal information secure when using the Internet

Fewer than one in five Italian adults and kids have/use short text messages like Twitter (15% adults; 17% kids)